The Rape of Lucretia

2018. január 28. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Opera Exam Festival

The Rape of Lucretia A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Dutch National Opera Academy

Lukrécia meggyalázása, op. 37

-;-Szövegkönyv: Ronald Duncan

Jelmez: Sanne Oostervink

Rendező: Maria Riccarda Wesseling

Zongorán közreműködik: Mirsa Adami, Marta Liebana

Vezényel: Karel Deseure

Collatinus, római hadvezér: Alexander de Jong (basszus)

Junius, római hadvezér: Tony Butiurca (bariton)

Tarquinius, etruszk herceg: Jasper Leever / Raoul Steffani (bariton)

Lucretia, Collatinus felesége: Deborah Saffery / Nina van Essen (kontraalt)

Bianca, Lucretia nevelőnője: Serena Perez (mezzoszoprán)

Lucia, Lucretia szolgája: Judith Weusten (szoprán)

Férfi kórus: Stefan Kennedy / Zachery VanderMeulen (tenor)

Női kórus: Helena Koonings / Stephanie DesJardins (szoprán)
According to historians, the uprising that deposed the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, around 510 B.C. is traditionally associated with the rape of Lucretia. The ruler’s son attacked the faithful wife, Lucretia, who out of a sense of trauma and shame eventually committed suicide. According to ancient accounts, the general scandal around the incident resulted in the collapse of the kingdom of Rome and the institution of a republic. In the chamber opera by Britten, which premiered in 1946, the events are assessed by two commentators – a woman and a man – from a Christian perspective. The two-act work is presented at this year’s festival by the Dutch National Opera Academy. The two-year masters courses arranged through the collaboration of the Conservatorium van Amsterdam and Royal Conservatory of The Hague – and which is headed by singer Maria Riccarda Wesseling, who appears here as director – focuses on the musical and acting development of young opera singers.


HUF 1 200