The Water Nymph

2017. október 15. 11.00-13.00

Solti terem

Liszt Kidz Academy – Heroes, Fairies, Clowns

The Water Nymph A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

For 10-15-year-olds

A hableány dala, Hob.XXVIa:25 (Győri Noémi átirata)

e-moll fuvola-zongora szonáta, op. 167 („Undine”)

Szemző Tibor
Vízi-csoda (1982/83)

Gaspard de la nuit - 1. Ondine

A Lorelei (Győri Noémi átirata)

-;-Mesél és közreműködik: Győri Noémi (fuvola), Csillagh Katalin (zongora)
Heroes, fairies and clowns take centre stage in the Liszt Kidz concert series this autumn for 10-15-year-olds (not to mention their parents and grandparents). The heroes and heroines of ancient myths were always favourite figures in classical music, being evoked in countless operas, cantatas and even instrumental pieces. However, composers were inspired not only by heroes like the Greek Hercules but boastful figures such as János Háry or bittersweet clowns like Pierrot. Another example might be the water nymph Undine, who wished for an immortal soul which could be acquired only through the love of a man. Carl Reinecke, a major Romantic composer, developed the story in a full sonata for flute and piano. The work and the tragic tale are performed and narrated by Noémi Győri and Katalin Csillagh.


HUF 1 400