Transparent Sound New Music Festival

2015. január 10. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Transparent Sound New Music Festival A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Otto M. Zykan
Nachtstück für ein Schiff

Simon Steen-Andersen
Next to beside besides

Otto M. Zykan
Beethovens Pferd

Gryllus Samu

George Aperghis
Commentaires (részletek)

George Aperghis
14 Jactations (részletek)

-;-Maurice Lenhard (bariton)


Vezényel: Horváth Balázs
Concert? Theatre? Musical theatre? Opera? Dramatic concert? Sound stage? Genre mix or a new genre altogether? Greek-born Georges Aperghis now resident in France has been researching the musical aspects of the stage presence, spectacle and speech for four decades. Tellingly, his work Commentaires presented at the Avignon Festival in 1996 is categorized either as musical theatre or as opera. The ‘roles’ are taken by a singer, pianist, cellist, viola player and actors. Samu Gryllus – who attended several master classes by Aperghis – composed his chamber opera (or musical theatre action) on the basis of the libretto by Zoltán András Bán, working up the well known Bluebeard myth. One would consider that it would be an act of daring to rethink – post Bartók – the tale of the castle oppressed by secrets, yet Gryllus views the location and the prince himself from a completely different angle, who this time will be the lead role not of the declining years but of the drama of birth. The mystical castle is now the womb, the mother and father side of the personality is outlined in the monologue of the leading role, or in a broader sense the conflict between Man and Woman. Maurice Lenhard takes on the special acting and singing challenges of the Aperghis and Gryllus works. The remarkable talents of this great German baritone have earlier been displayed in productions such as Out At Sea and Lady Sarashina.


HUF 1200