Turn of the Year with Bea Palya

2015. december 30. 19.30-22.00

Acoustic, Authentic

Turn of the Year with Bea Palya A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Let There Always Be Song’

-;-Palya Bea (ének); Szokolay Dongó Balázs (furulya, kaval, duda, szaxofon); Czirják Tamás (cajon, derbuka); Gerzson János (arab lant, buzuki); ifj. Tóth István (akusztikus gitár); Bodoczki Ernő (nagybőgő)
The expression folk diva often crops up when reading about Bea Palya. Our first encounters with her were on front covers; she demonstrated the raison d’être and necessity of conscious brand building on the folk music and world music market. A natural concomitant of this is that formations come and go around her. This time she arrives at the Liszt Academy with the musicians of her latest production, the NŐ Project. This is what she writes about the inspiring influence of original folk music and the songs performed at the concert: ‘I was still a young girl when “aunties” came into my life. They sent a message to me from creaky cassettes, telling me to sing. I never once saw them, I just heard their voices, and yet their presence filled the small room. I felt that they were with me, spanning space and time, singing into me of what they knew of life. I learned to play music from them. They also taught me that long ago nobody opened their mouth to sing unless there was a reason: the turning points in life were always accompanied by song. I continue on this path. My spirit also lives in songs, I write my life into melodies. I trust that I can sing of things that nourish not only me but a wider community as well. I bring up from the deepest recesses of my spirit the raw material for songs so that I can pass on the message of those aunties who once lived, my personal folk music; let there always be song. This concert features folk songs and own compositions in an acoustic, quieter interpretation. Solos, duos and trios follow one after the other. This is how we turn this year to the next one, with free-soaring songs, refined sounds, this is what I would like to give my audience as a gift for the final days of the year.’ Instrumentated by István Tóth jr. and Illés Szabó.


HUF 3 700, 5 100, 6 500, 7 900