2014. június 2. 19.30-22.00

UC Berkeley Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Edmund Campion
Az utolsó belsőégésű motor – Versenymű vonósnégyesre, zenekarra és elektronikára



X. (e-moll) szimfónia, op. 93

-;-Vezényel: David Milnes
The symphony orchestra of Berkeley University in California was founded in 1923 and enjoys one of the most august histories of New World ensembles. The university offers world-famous music training and its orchestra, whose members are from the student body and which is conducted by its leader David Milnes, gives 15–18 concerts annually. The orchestra always schedules a contemporary work and this Budapest concert is no exception. On this occasion they will be performing Copand's Appalachian Spring, one of Gershwin's best-kown compositions, and the symphony Shostakovich wrote in the months following Stalin's death.


HUF 3.500, 2.500, 1.500