Variations for Konzi

2017. március 30. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Konzi Concerts 3

Variations for Konzi A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Versenymű két oboára és trombitára, TWV 53D2

Per questa bella mano, K. 612

2. (Esz-dúr) kürtverseny, K. 417

D-dúr zongoraverseny, Hob. XVIII11

Változatok egy Haydn-témára, op. 56

-;-Rikker Dániel (trombita); Albert Janka, Mitró Apolka (oboa); Devich Benedek (nagybőgő); Kósa Lőrinc (basszus); Fröschl Éva (kürt); Richter Zsófia (zongora)

Bartók Béla Konzervatórium Szimfonikus Zenekara

Vezényel: Dubóczky Gergely
The Konzi Concerts series launched in autumn 2016, since then students of the Béla Bartók Conservatory of Music, the ‘training school’ for the Liszt Academy, have been given regular chances to appear on the various stages of the university. This time the leading part goes to the Konzi Symphony Orchestra which, enhanced with the most talented young soloists, arrives with a programme of exciting concertos. The programme opens with Telemann’s concerto for two oboes and trumpet. The Haydn Piano Concerto in D major sees another solo instrument being put through its paces. Then comes the E-flat major horn concerto of Mozart, composed for his good friend Joseph Ignaz Leutgeb, first horn player of the orchestra of the prince-archbishop of Salzburg, with the concert winding up with a true orchestral work in the form of the Haydn Variations by Brahms.


HUF 900