Variations on Konzi 2

2018. március 14. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Konzi Concerts

Variations on Konzi 2 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Bartók Konzi Symphony Orchestra and competition winners

J. S. Bach, C. P. E. Bach, Vanhal és más szerzők művei

-;-A Bartók Béla Zeneművészeti Szakközépiskola Szimfonikus Zenekara és versenygyőztes hallgatói
Bartók believed that competitions were for horses, not artists, and although like him many others do not understand how it is possible to measure and compare artistic performances, the genre continues to bloom and competition wins remain key milestones in the career of an artist. If all goes well, then concert halls open before an artist, the diary fills up with engagements and record companies start knocking at the door. Although the winner of a race would perhaps be surprised if the ‘prize’ was the chance to do yet another lap of the track, things are different in the music world: students of the Bartók Béla Conservatory of Music are delighted if thanks to a competition win they receive an opportunity to take to the stage again to show their talent in front of a wider audience. During this recital, student artists at the dawn of their careers interpret works by J. S. Bach, C. P. E. Bach, Vanhal and others.


HUF 900