Verdi: Requiem - In Memory of Gábor Ugrin

2014. február 6. 19.30-22.00

Verdi: Requiem - In Memory of Gábor Ugrin A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja


-;-Szabóki Tünde (szoprán), Gál Erika (alt), Fekete Attila (tenor), Cser Krisztián (basszus)

Ifjú Zenebarátok Kórusa (karigazgató: Tóth Csaba, Magyaróvári Viktor), Vigyázó Sándor Művelődési Ház Liszt Ferenc vegyeskara (karigazgató: Menyhártné Barna Zsuzsa), ProFun vegyeskar (karigazgató: Énekes Katalin)

Óbudai Danubia Zenekar

Vezényel: Héja Domonkos
“The power, the drive of professor Ugrin, his uncompromising ruthlessness placed into the service of music left an indelible impression on all who joined him at whatever period of his life, in any of his choruses. Many found in this outspoken, and at one and the same time blunt and movingly sympathetic person, the leader who revealed to them the true meaning of life through music. He was the teacher of many and will remain so while we live, because everything he gave us still echoes. Now, as concerns the physical state, we are forced to bid him farewell. But his spirit burns as brightly as ever in our memories.” Thus does András Batta remember the legendary professor Ugrin. His former students pay tribute to his memory with a performance of Verdi’s Requiem.


HUF 1.500