What Can the Clarinet Do?

2017. február 12. 11.00-13.00

Solti terem

Liszt Kidz Academy

What Can the Clarinet Do? A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

For 10-15-year-olds

Duo concertant

Három románc, op. 94 (részlet)

J. S. Bach
3. (C-dúr) hegedűszonáta, BWV 1005 – 4. Allegro


A lenhajú lány

Három csíkmegyei népdal, BB 45b

-;-Rozmán Lajos (klarinét), Bacsó Kristóf (klarinét, szaxofon)

Borbély László, Tálas Áron (zongora)

Mesélő: Lakatos Zsuzsanna
Does anybody know what grenadil is? Or palisander? A clue: both are associated with Mozart’s favourite instrument. So what was Mozart’s favourite instrument? OK, we’ll tell you: it was the clarinet. This second concert series presenting musical instruments and organized within the framework of the Liszt Kidz Academy for upper primary school pupils (and their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents) takes a close-up look at the clarinet. What, for instance, is this instrument capable of, why does it need a reed to sound, and what marvellous works has it inspired over the course of its 300-year history? Since the clarinet has not only pursued a great career in classical music but jazz as well (where frequently it is represented by its cousin, the saxophone), classical clarinettist Lajos Rozmán is joined by the Liszt Academy’s own saxophone teacher Kristóf Bacsó in order to weave a closer friendship between the audience and one of the most engaging members of the woodwind family. Zsuzsanna Lakatos, musicology student of the Liszt Academy, plays the role of narrator. The concert is a repeat of the programme of the same name staged two years ago.


HUF 1 400