ZAK Ensemble

2014. május 4. 19.00-21.00

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ZAK Ensemble A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Mathias Kranebitter
stop and change (2011)

Joanna Bailie
5 famous adagios (2006)

Futó Balázs
Intermezzók (4-5. tétel) (2003)

Jeney Zoltán
Consolazione (2001)

Futó Balázs
Toccata (2003)

Balogh Máté
Consummatum est (2010)

Consummatum est (Hob. XX/1:A, 6. tétel)

Bruno Mantovani
D’un rêve parti (1999)

-;-Nagy Judit (fuvola); Szűcs Péter (klarinét); Borsos Kata, Domány Bernadett (hegedű); Tornyai Péter (brácsa); Zétényi Tamás (cselló); Birtalan Zsolt (zongora); NN (ütőhangszerek)

Művészeti vezető és vezényel: Horváth Balázs
This new Liszt Academy Concert Centre series has been devised in the ardent hope that it will become a tradition. Every six months it offers several Liszt Academy students or groups the opportunity to display their musical wares. On the last evening of the series, the ZAK Ensemble, led by Balázs Horváth, will perform. The ensemble was created as part of the EU's New Music, New Audiences Programme. In the spirit of this international initiative, the objective of the ensemble is to bring the freshest contemporary music to as wide a range of audiences as possible. There will be no shortage of freshness in this concert, since asides from the Haydn composition, there will only be one other work that was written in the previous millennium.


HUF 1.200