Zugló Philharmonics

2015. április 11. 15.30-18.00

Zugló Philharmonics A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Tragikus nyitány, op. 81

G-dúr zongoraverseny

96. (D-dúr) szimfónia („Csoda”)

-;-Lajkó István (zongora)

Zuglói Filharmónia

Vezényel: Kovács János
In the autumn of 2014 István Lajkó gave a highly successful concert (with conductor Zoltán Kocsis) to conclude his doctoral studies at the Liszt Academy, at which he performed the solo in Scriabin’s Piano Concerto in F-sharp minor. This time the youthful artist, mentioned as being one of the most sensitive and intellectual pianists of his generation, performs Ravel’s Piano Concerto in G major. Ravel struggled with the concerto for more than two years; as a result of the lengthy and challenging work he formulated the oft-quoted thought which states: “Writing music is seventy-five per cent intellectual activity.” However, none of Ravel’s difficulties can be felt in this highly popular piece, with the movements – deeply infused with jazz influences – following naturally one after the other. The piano concerto on the programme of the Zugló Philharmonics Budapest concert (under the baton of János Kovács) is bookended by a sombre symphonic work and a light symphonic work. The seriously toned, dense instrumentalization of Brahms’s Tragic Overture is the complete antithesis of his Academy Overture, which was written at the same time. Haydn’s 96th symphony is not called ‘the Miracle’ for nothing. At its premiere in London a falling chandelier missed killing several dozen people by a whisker. By a miraculous stroke of fortune nobody was seated under the huge chandelier at the time of the accident, as the symphony had been such a massive success that the audience were thronging the area in front of the stage to praise the performance.


HUF 1.900, 2.100, 2.500