A USA Külügyminisztérium és a Bang on a Can pályázata - jelentkezési határidő 2012. február 24!

2012. január 19.

Az Amerikai Külügyminisztérium és egy amerikai zenei produkciós iroda, a Bang on a Can egy egyedülálló projektet hirdet, melyre 19 - 35 év közötti zenészek (klasszikus, jazz, népzene, elektronikus zene) jelentkezését várják, elsősorban olyan zenészekét, akik magas szintű zenei tudásuk mellett nyitottak különböző műfajok egymáshoz közelítésére, társadalmi problémákra illetve azok megoldására. A program 1 hónapos, 2012. szeptember 10 - október 7 között kerül megrendezésre.


A jelentkezési határidő 2012. február 24, a pályázati feltételek részletes leírását angolul adjuk meg. Fontos tudni, hogy a szervezők a kiválasztottak minden költségét fedezik és jelképes honoráriumot is biztosítanak.




I would like to draw you attention to a special program designed by the U.S. Department of State and a renowned American contemporary music organization Bang on a Can.


The program titled One Beat invites musicians from all over the world to apply and be part of a residency and tour program focused on creative collaboration and social engagement.


The centerpiece of OneBeat  will be month-long programs consisting of a U.S.-based residency and tour.

During the residencies, participants will form small collaborative ensembles that improvise across genres,

reinvent traditional tunes, compose original work, record in the state-of-the-art OneBeat mobile studio,

and prepare for performances and educational workshops. The groups will then tour to cities within the

U.S. to perform the music they have developed during the residency, perform with local musicians, and

partner with community-based organizations to conduct creative workshops with local youth. The

program will culminate in a high-profile final concert, and a professionally-produced album featuring

tracks recorded in the OneBeat mobile studio.


OneBeat will bring musicians from around the world to collaborate in the creation and performance of

new music, share and develop ways to use music to positively affect their communities, encourage cross-cultural understanding, and foster ways that diverse people can creatively and collaboratively address

universal issues.


OneBeat is open to musicians ages 19-35, who demonstrate both an advanced proficiency in their musical

work, an interest in cross-genre collaboration, and an experience with or interest in developing ways to

use music as a way to improve their communities. Musicians from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply, with or without formal musical training, from all genres, including but not limited to: hip-hop, traditional, experimental, electronic, jazz, classical, sound design, beatmaking, multimedia art, DJ-ing, audio engineering, or any combination of these styles. We are especially looking for musicians that have a strong commitment to their communities, are seeking new ways to engage youth, arts-in-education, music therapy, conflict resolution, and other ways of working towards more egalitarian and democratic societies.



Application criteria:


1. Musical Excellence - A high level of performance, composition, improvisational, production

and/or technological skill. Ideally OneBeat musicians will be innovating either stylistically, lyrically,

or technologically within their musical worlds.


2. Collaboration - Applicants’ willingness to cross cultural and genre divides in creating original

music, or re-interpreting traditional music, while trying to maintain the essence of each tradition.


3. Social Engagement - Musicians who have used music to serve their communities or greater

societies. This might consist of starting a music school, promoting peace and democracy through

musical content, reviving dying musical traditions, and more. In addition, participants should be

eager to tour to smaller- and mid-sized cities of the U.S. to engage with citizens including other

artists through performances, workshops, discussions, and social activities.


4. Age – Applicants must be 19-35.


5. English Proficiency – Applicants should be able to converse in basic English, as it will be the

common language of all OneBeat fellows.


6. Country of Origin – OneBeat fellows must live full-time in one of the 38 eligible countries, and

have not traveled to the U.S. or have rarely performed in the U.S.


7. Internet Proficiency – Ideally participants should actively use email and be able to connect to

the internet to participate in OneBeat website-based activities.


In case of interest, applicants will need to apply individually by February 16, 2012 at www.onebeatmusic.org.


27-28 foreign participants will be selected each year. All costs will be covered for the fellows, including

travel, food, and accommodations. Fellows will also receive a per diem and modest honorarium.


Selected fellows will be notified by April 1, and will have 2 weeks to confirm their participation in the
